TAG 2 :cicak cuak cayam cikbelog comot comel

setelah berpenat lelah..berhempas pulas kiri dan kanan..berpeluh minda study utk exm esok..ak nk lepak2 buang ms kat belog nie sebelom say gd nite to all =D..ngah syok2 jalan2 smbil lepak2 kat blog2 besshh..ak terperasan yang ak telah ditag oleh inchik mijie .. trimas utk beliau coz tag cikbelog..tapii...tapiiiiii....tag ni memerlukan ak berpikir secara kreatif dan kritis dan melibatkan aspek2 kBkk..haishh..lebih susah dr maen sudoku..

okeh!! ak dah redy nk jwb tag niehh..





It's harder than it looks...
Copy to your own notes...
Erase my answers...
Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions...
They have to be real...
Nothing made up...
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers...
You cannot use any words twice...
You can't use your name for the boy / girl name question...

1. What is your name : Cikbelog
2. A four letter word : Cuak
3. A boy's name : Chong
4. A girl's name : Cici (nama panggilan kawan ak..hee)
5. An occupation : Cuci tingkap
6. A colour : Coklat (heee..)
7. Something you wear : Cap
8. A food : Char kue teaw
9. Something found in the bathroom : Cicak (cicak suka menempek di dinding2 toilett..yekk)
10. A place : Cherating beach resort =p
11. A reason for being late : Comot
12. Something u shout : Comelnye aku!! (hahaha..perasan dan berpoyo seketika)
13. A movie title : Crossing Hennessey (ak x tao cite nieh bes ke x..hohoo)
14. Something u drink : Carrot juice..(kononnye la kann... =p)
15. A musical group :Cynosure (indie band ok..)
16. An animal : Cengkerik
17. A street name : Chulalongkorn Street..(klu x tw ktne , sila baca peta =D)
18. A type of car : Civic..hee..tibai je laaaa

adeh..penat otakku berpk..

skang nak bagi kat 20 orang..hmm...nk pilih sape ekkk....klu yg terkena tuh memang bertuah dan murah rezeki betollah... =D

itu jerk yang mampoo ak tag ..sj nk nyusahkan anda2 sekalian ngan tag ini...heee.. =)


terima kasih daun keladi, lepas baca jangan lupa komen sekali yo ;]


  1. thank sudi jawab dgn ikhlas:)..menrik kan..kBkK..;)

  2. cikbelog..thanks sudi tag che kechik!!
    tapi che kechik da buat da tag ni..
    cikbelog tgk kat sini k..


    peace!! ^_^

  3. yaay.. kene tag... thanks yaa.. ingat kat captain

  4. mijie - sesama..hehe mmg menarik =D

    che khecik - oh ok..hehe..nnti cikbelog tgk ekk..sowie yaaa =D

    captain88 - sama2.. =D

    miss - jwb jgn x jwb..hehee


sila senyum sebelom komen +__+